Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Scene Eighteen:

The only body part left is the eyes of the big brother smoke, the baby smoke has gone out of the picture, and only what the big brother is thinking can be shown. This is a comic ending as the bucket read petrol and the eyes are rolled from right to left as the camera zooms into the yes, ending with the credits.



Scene Seventeen:hhhhhh

After the baby smoke throws 'water' over the big brother, this scene is a close up of what happens straight after, and the fire ignites bigger, with the face of the big brother is terrified. This scene shows the fire overruing the shot, with the smoke slowly disappearing.


Scene Sixteen:

Now that the smoke is on the floor, the baby smoke returns from the background and runs towards her big brother, with a bucket full of liquid (what the baby smoke thought was water). The mood brightens up, as the big brother will think he will be saved. This scene shows the baby smoke throwing the liquid over the big brother.


Scene Fifteen:

Change of the background shows the smoe has tried walking away from the fire, yet it has followed him. with an uncertain face, the smoke eventually starts falling to the ground wtill on fire.


Scene Fourteen:

After thinking he has won, the smoke just stands for a bit, scene thirteen is a bit long, but this is where the smoke realises he has made a big mistake and the fire migrates onto him, lighting him up. The emotions change from happyy to angry on the smoke.


Scene Thirteen:

After been hit, the match falls backwards, to the scene before in the corner, and has fallen to its death. The smoke thinks he has won this battle and pulls the fingers to the dead body with a smile.


Scene Twelve:

Here, the smoke turns around, the match has caught up, and the smoke isnot even scared of the fire. The background has changed from scene eleven showing that the smoek has turned around while the match is walking toawrds him. The smoke attacks tha match and headbutts him to the floor which will be shown in the next scen


Scene Eleven:

This scene is where the smoke is meant to be facing towards the right and not realise the match is following him, therefore i have to change that. Meanwhile the match is smiling, thinking he has won and scared the smoke away.


Scene Ten:

This is the scene where the big brother smoke catches up to the match, still pointing. This is quite a long scene where the match goes around the corner, and the smoke stops, the match lights itself up on the wall. Meanwhile the smoke gives up and starts walking back, but the match is following him being alit.


Scene Nine:

After the match walks away whistling, a new character appears, who is the baby smokes bigger brother, chasing after the match, poiting with a very angry face. The pace is faster to show running.


Scene Eight:

Here, the match casually goes off whistling away, with the background changing to the side of a brick building, for change of scenery, this scene is a bit slowed down, to show the match walking.


Scene Seven:

The camera will zoom out of the baby smoke crying, and show the match bigger and stronger, proud of what he has just done, laughing along the way.


Scene Six:

This is another close up shot, this time of the baby smoke crying, and will move from left to right during this scene, it will be a bit slowed down then the other scenes.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Scene Five:

This is a simple scene, of an extreme close up shot of the balloon been poped with "POP" written, giving a comic scene. The camera will zoom in onto the writing during the scene.


Scene Four:

This scene, is where the change of pace is set, and there is fear on the smoke as the match chases it with a pin to pop the balloon. This show ths different personalities of the two.
The match is out to get the smoke, as the smoke would never even hurt a fly. Same background as i want the movie set on the characters not on the background.


Scene Three:

This is the first scene where u see both characters together. It doesnt make sense after the second scene for the match to be bahind a tree, therefore i will change so that he is already walking towards the smoke character. Otherwise i think the expressions and the setting is fine.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Scene Two:

The match character introduced here, walking towards the camera very imtimidating, and 'scary', this is shown from first person view, from the smokes point of view.


Scene One:

The little girl smoke character, walking in the park, from left position to right (across the screen) with balloon in hand. Expression is very happy, environment is very calm at this time, speed will b a bit slower, because she is walking.


Here are the background ideas for other scenes, there will mainly only be three continuous backgrounds, where the characters move along them, i want the audience to focus more on the characters rather than the background.

I wanted to add a brick wall for a change of environment, swapping from sweet and peaceful to strength and pride. It is a good contrast to use when the mood of the video changes between the characters.


I designed this tree as it is suitable for my park scenes, i wanted the backgrounds to not include too much and to stay simple, yet effective, with repeated trees , the concrete floor and the sky with clouds, it all looks very well suited and suitable for my video.

1. This is sort of a night time theme, if i decide to make my video at night time.
2.This is just normal 100 opacity, nice colour palette, very cartoony and soft.
3. I like this one the best, the same as no.2, just opacity is lighter, so the colours dont clash too much with the characters.
4. Desaturated, very effective with colour characters, makes the characters stand out even more.
5.Just plain black and white outline, nt very suitable for background throughtout the whole video.
6. With shadows and highlights, its just too much for a background.

Im thinking of choosing No.3 , as it is the style i want, its a cute image that i am trying to aim for, and very soft edging which softens up the whole image.


Smoke - Character Profile

-is more of a whimpy charcter, who is afraid of getting hurt.
-Easily cries and has the most pathetic expressions.
- is afraid of the match and always tries to run away.

This character needs more development to show that it is a girl, (the main character), walking with a balloon. I also want this character to look younger, therefore the facial features will be changed.


Match - Character Profile

- A bully character, whoe is rebellious and is never really scraed of anything.
- sually has a very angry expression.
-Enjoys ruining other's lives and laughs when they cry.
-overall just a mean character who does not care about anything or anyone.

This was my first charcter i made on photoshop, im really glad with the body size and the expression suits the character's mood and personality. I really like the glowing effect of the head, just makes it look unique, yet still looks like a match.


Here, i am experimenting with expressions on each character, showing differnt tyes of emotions potrayed only by facial features. Further experimentation will be on photoshop. These are also the idea of what type of body i want to use for the smoke and match.


This is the few last scenes showing a very annoyed burnt smoke, ( the eyes are telling the story), with the little girl walking away finding a new balloon to go catch.

The end scene will be the eyes rolling then maybe closing fully right at the end and then the credits start.


After the smoke head butts the match, a gust of wind or the fire just gradually goes down the match, while the smoke is pulling the fingers, not realising hes about to start gettng burnt.

The smoke heads to the floor, being burnt up higher and higher, showing fear in his face that he is scared of dying. In the background the little girl smoke from the beginning comes over with a bucket of some liquid.

Thinking its water, the cigarette is pleased and the liquid is spilt all over him.

Next thing u see is a close up of the smoke lighting up even more and a massive flame disintegrates the smoke, leaving just the eyes of the character to show emotions.

Last scene on this page is shown with the eyes ontop of the ashes, and the bucket close up to the camera reading 'petrol'. As the burnt character cannot talk, ill decide to use a thinking bubble showing the smoke thinking ' you idiot' or something along that line. You will se the little girl smoke has a puzzled face, but i may cut that out.


In scene four, there are a bunch (or just one ) gang of smokes, with tattoos and looking tough, walking behind the match, following him

The match notices that they are folling him, and turns round a corner to hide, while the smokes are still walking to wards him.

The match decides to light itself up, and comes around the corner to defend itself against the men/man smoke.

Instead one of them doesnt run away, he headbutts the match in the chest causing it to fall, burn away and die.


I decided to use a match and cigarette character extracted from my second story. Both stories didnt really work out for me, because i was trying to aim for a funny and cute animation.

Therefore i came up with using a cute 'little girl' smoke with a balloon, walking in the park. A match starts walking towards her, with a oversized pin trying to pop the baloon.

The Baloon is popped and the little girl has a big cry, while the match is walking away smiling, pleased with what he has done.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I've decided to use the characters, - a cigarette and a match

But the original story has been changed.

Story: 'keep away from children'

-One day a 'young smoke' is walking in a park with a balloon.
-Notices that she is being followed by a match with a pin in its hand.
-The smoke starts to run away but the match catches up and pops the balloon.
-There will be a shot of the young smoke crying and the match laughing while walking away
-As he is minding his own business pleased with what he has done, the match walks away casually.
-Yet does not notice the 'older brother' smoke walking behind him angry and pointing.
-The match finally realises and turns around the corner of a building.
-Thinking on its feet the match lights itself up as way of defense.
- The match turns back towards the smoke, underestimating the strength of the cigarette.
-The 'older brother' smoke head butts the match and pushes him to the floor, pointing at him.
-Then there is a sudden gust of wind, the cigarette lights up and is stuck on the floor next to the dead match.
-in the background the baby smoke is running towards him with a bucket of liquid.
-It is thorwn onto the 'older brother', but instead of going out, the light ignites bigger, so it fills up the frame.
-After the big flame, you will see hat the bucket says petrol, only eyes and little mouth was left of the 'older brother', he says something like 'you idiot'.
-The baby smoke sees another balloon flying in the air and chases after it, forgetting about the older brother.
-End shot of the eyes of the older brother and then credits show.


Second idea i came up with was battle between a cigarette(s) and match(es):


-Starts with the two packs just sitting on a table
-camera zooms into the matches and then into the cigarette pack as one of each gets taken out .
-they are both awaken by fingers tweezing them out of their home
-Faces frightened and scared, in pain as well, as they are both lighten up, speech bubble saying nooo!!
- i was thinking of turning the matches into a army and so the rest run out to go save theer fellow match.
-the cigarettes are more wimpy and dont really know what to do.
-after the person leaves the burnt match on the table and the burning cigarette in a ashtray.
both of the groups go out to save thm
but the clumsy cigarettes tip over the ashtray and so all the matches and cigarettes light up and die.

Ive drawn come characters, with different expressions.


My first idea of a story was to use, two bottles in a kitchen background.
-One is a soft drink bottle who is a very cocky character and never is friendly, is a loner really.
-second is a bottle of water, who is very friendly and always smiling.


-One early morning the coke bottle is sleeping in the kitchen
-woken up by rustling and all of a sudden a new bottle appears
-being stubborn he does no go see what it is
-the water walkd up to him and tries to be friendly-coke gets annoyed day by day that the people living there are choosing water instead of his soft drink.
-he gets so frustrated that he blows up all over the place
- ended by just eyes of the soft drink, and being put into the recycling bin, with the water standing in the background.

Development is really needed but it was the first idea i jotted down.


Here is just a brainstorm i made to come up with my charcters that i would like to use for my animation, I am heading more towards food/ everyday objects.


I noticed that sometimes all you need is just the facial expressions, even the use of use two eyes and a mouth can show obviously what the character is feeling at that time, facial expressions are very important in the way of how you want to potray the charcters feelings out to the audience.


This is just a range of very well known cartoons, they each have their own personality , shown by thier style, expressions, actions. Some have over exxagerated features, or very large haeds compared to the body, when in real life it is unrealistic, just makes the real life objects in life look funny if you use your imagination.


These images are a bit wacky, and include a range of different characteristics, inlcuding the expressions made by the mouth, the eyes, eyebrows. Showing what mood the character is in, also i noticed that some use the actual objects shape to turn into a mouth or nose, etc, without the need of adding more onto it. I like the 'cutesy' style, especially whent the facial expressions are similiar, with slight changes. Also just the black and white features look nice on the cartoon, instead of everything just blasted with colour.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


These are just some images i found over th internet, of food and a pencil turned into a cartoon character, they indlude different facial features, arms and legs.. even with shoes and socks. Gives me an idea of what sort of object i am aiming at, and what to do with them, if i want to add arms and legs or just change the facial features. Further research of images and videos will be done.