Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My first idea of a story was to use, two bottles in a kitchen background.
-One is a soft drink bottle who is a very cocky character and never is friendly, is a loner really.
-second is a bottle of water, who is very friendly and always smiling.


-One early morning the coke bottle is sleeping in the kitchen
-woken up by rustling and all of a sudden a new bottle appears
-being stubborn he does no go see what it is
-the water walkd up to him and tries to be friendly-coke gets annoyed day by day that the people living there are choosing water instead of his soft drink.
-he gets so frustrated that he blows up all over the place
- ended by just eyes of the soft drink, and being put into the recycling bin, with the water standing in the background.

Development is really needed but it was the first idea i jotted down.

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