Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Second idea i came up with was battle between a cigarette(s) and match(es):


-Starts with the two packs just sitting on a table
-camera zooms into the matches and then into the cigarette pack as one of each gets taken out .
-they are both awaken by fingers tweezing them out of their home
-Faces frightened and scared, in pain as well, as they are both lighten up, speech bubble saying nooo!!
- i was thinking of turning the matches into a army and so the rest run out to go save theer fellow match.
-the cigarettes are more wimpy and dont really know what to do.
-after the person leaves the burnt match on the table and the burning cigarette in a ashtray.
both of the groups go out to save thm
but the clumsy cigarettes tip over the ashtray and so all the matches and cigarettes light up and die.

Ive drawn come characters, with different expressions.

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